Qiszan's Blog - ourLIFEstyles ourJOURNEY ourENJOY

Hello! Welcome to Qiszan's blog here...... Welcome to visit our pages!

Great! My name is Qistina and my husband's name is Zaihan. What is meaning of those "Qiszan". Qiszan is a special and creative name that created by us. Qis is a short name taken from Qistina. Zan is a short name taken from Zaihan. When we were married so that we choose and created our nickname is "Qiszan" as our identity. This logo had created by Zaihan.

The concept logo shows our caring and loving. The shape of this logo look like “apple” + "orange" and “heart”. The color is red and orange. Red brings loving, strong, spirit and rose. Orange represents to happiness, refresh, creative and young. That is our creative and creation.

In other hand, our poem was written by Qistina for our wedding invitation card.

Apple and Orange juice are blended,
Feeling a delicious and taste,
Chinese and Malay cultural are mixed,
Look alike happiness and wonderful life.

Our blog is our LIFEstyles our Journey our Enjoy as our slogan has been created by Qiszan. Our blog tells you regarding what are we doing, where are we going, what are we eating and how are we caring. Thank you for your time to visit our blog. Happy reading.